Open Access Book
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Author: Anna Margherita Jasink, Luca Bombardieri
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 9788866557661
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Image


Akrothinia collects the contributions of twenty-three young scholars, with the aim of creating an overall picture of the lines of investigation and of the interests which, in recent years, have animated research in the field of Prehistory and Protohistory of the Aegean area, as seen from the perspective of 'pupils', not of 'masters'. The broad horizon of archaeological and philological themes, as well as the new insights which can be noticed in the works of this volume, clearly demonstrate the liveliness and, at the same time, the value of the tradition of Aegean studies in Italy. In this sense, the common thread linking all the contributions is, on one hand, the balance between the value recognized by the authors and the long tradition of Italian studies and, on the other, the positive interest in projects used as a test for the ability to identify new prospects for investigation.