Open Access Book
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Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in Europe

Author: Pavol Nejedlik, Simone Orlandini
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 9788866552079
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Image


COST Action 734 was launched thanks to the coordinated activity of 29 EU countries. The main objective of the Action was the evaluation of impacts from climate change and variability on agriculture for various European areas. Secondary objectives were: collection and review of existing agroclimatic indices and simulation models, to assess hazard impacts on European agricultural areas; to apply climate scenarios for the next few decades; the definition of harmonised criteria to evaluate the impacts of climate change and variability on agriculture; the definition of warning systems guidelines. Based on the result, possible actions (specific recommendations, suggestions, warning systems) were elaborated and proposed to the end-users, depending on their needs.