Open Access Book
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Colloid Chemistry

Author: José Luis Toca-Herrera (Ed.), Clemens K. Weiss (Ed.)
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
ISBN: 9783038974604||9783038974598
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Image


The Special Issue Colloid Chemistry presents a comprehensive overview of what opportunities the colloidal scale, i.e., the nanoscale, offers to scientists from chemistry, physics, materials sciences, and biomedicine. Sophistically designed colloids are used for studying physical and physicochemical phenomena to gain a deeper understanding of interparticle interactions, not forgetting that such insights can be used to create tailored materials for a variety of applications. This Issue covers aspects from the synthesis to the analysis of colloidal properties and presents opportunities for their further application.