Open Access Book
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Complications of Pregnancy

Author: Hassan Abduljabbar
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: IntechOpen
ISBN: 9781838804893||9781838810450||9781838804886


Complications of pregnancy are health issues that are caused by pregnancy itself. These can happen during or after delivery (obstetric labor complications or puerperal disorders). Complications can be classified as mild, severe, immediate, or long-term health problems. Complications of pregnancy can cause maternal morbidity and mortality. The most common causes of maternal mortality are maternal bleeding, maternal sepsis, hypertensive diseases, obstructed labor, and pregnancy with the consequence of abortion, which includes miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and medical abortion.Heath problems can develop during pregnancy, which may be directly related to the pregnancy itself or nonobstetric disorders, such as pregnancy complicated by medical diseases. One of the main complications is obstetric abnormalities that increase the risk of morbidity or mortality for the pregnant woman and her fetus. High-risk pregnancy is an indicator of a maternal complication during pregnancy.