Open Access Book
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Competences for Pharmacy Education and Practice in Europe

Author: Jeffrey Atkinson (Ed.)
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
ISBN: 9783038970934||9783038970941
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Image


ca. 200 words; this text will present the book in all promotional forms (e.g. flyers). Please describe the book in straightforward and consumer-friendly terms. [One of the main aspirations of the European Union (EU) is the development of a pan-European health system with unhindered access to quality care, in all member states. The PHAR-QA “Quality Assurance in European Pharmacy Education and Training” project explored the realities surrounding this idea in the area of pharmacy. This book assembles a series of papers, already published in the journal “Pharmacy”, that describe the project: its origins, design, implementation, results, interpretation, and perspectives.]