Open Access Book
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Le emergenze umanitarie complesse

Author: Bellanca, Nicolò
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 9788884533159
Creative Commons Attribution Image


Generated by the experience of a specific course and conceived with a primarily didactic function, this book puts itself forward as a tool for the economic and political analysis of the contemporary world. The principal crises concerning ecology, public health, the markets, technology and war are tackled as "complex humanitarian emergencies". They are examined through two theoretical categories: that of the "tragic choices (tending to the violent logic of everything-or-nothing) and that of the "global collective actions" (which aim at safeguarding non -excludable assets beyond confines and generations). The objective is to encourage the student to reason about the way in which the crises can be tackled, "transforming the terms of the tragic choices and stimulating the emergence of global collective actions".