Open Access Book
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Intorno a Boccaccio/Boccaccio e dintorni

Author: Giovanna Frosini, Stefano Zamponi
Source: Directory of Open Access Books
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 9788866557975
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs Image


The volume Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio e dintorni was born thanks to the international seminar held in Certaldo on 25th June 2014, and it is the ideal continuation of the intense study activity characterising the hundredth anniversary of Boccaccio's birth, to which many young scholars attended. This volume collects contributions by young and very young people, some of them at their first publication, with the aim of giving space to current new researches. The discussed topics, which do not fail to consider Boccaccio's Latin and Greek culture, touch on aspects of Italian linguistics and lexicography, on the textual tradition of Latin and Vernacular works, on the commentaries to Boccaccio’s works and on the geographical universe within which the Decameron places itself.