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Yorùbá Yé Mi

Author: Fehintola Mosadomi
Subject: Languages
Source: Open Textbook Library
Publisher: COERLL
ISBN: 9781937963026
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Image


The Yorùbá Yé Mi textbook/ combined with an open access/ multi-media website at http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/yemi/ is an interactive/ communicative/ introductory Yorùbá program. It provides college/university students with basic listening/ speaking/ reading/ and writing skills of language learning in Yorùbá. It exposes the learner not only to Yorùbá language in meaningful situations but also to the culture of the Yorùbá-speaking people of South-western Nigeria. It contains effective techniques for teaching and learning Yorùbá including tones/ and is user friendly in its approach.

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