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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Author: Patrick Allitt, Anthony Badger, Jeremy D. Bailey, Anthony D. Bartl, Mathieu Billings, Brad Birzer, John Bodnar, Rebecca Brannon, Patrick Breen, Jeff Broadwater, Stewart Burns, Andrew Burstein, Andrew Busch, Vincent Cannato, H. Lee Cheek, Erwin Chemerinsky, Mark Christensen, Catherine Clinton, Nicholas Cole, Jonathan Den Hartog, Paul Dickson, Brian Domitrovic, Jim Downs, Melvyn Dubofsky, Todd Estes, Andy Fisher, A. James Fuller, Frank W. Garmon, Jr., Malcolm Gaskill, Glenda Gilmore, John Steele Gordon, Allen Guelzo, Kevin Gutzman, David E. Hamilton, Phil Hamilton, John Earl Haynes, Steven Hayward, Kenneth J. Heineman, Rebeccah Heinrichs, Stephanie Hinnershitz, Maurice Isserman, Glen Jeansonne, Michael Kazin, Jennifer D. Keene, LeeAnna Keith, Thomas Kidd, Harvey Klehr, Frank Lambert, Edward G. Lengel, Gordon Lloyd, Robert McMahon, Bonnie M. Miller, Dan Monroe, John E. Moser, Barton A. Myers, Peter C. Myers, Cathal J. Nolan, Johnathan O’Neill, Mackubin Owens, Chester Pach, Michael Parrish, Jason Pierce, David Pietrusza, Joe Postell, Steve Puleo, Martin H. Quitt, Jack Rakove, James H. Read, Gregory L. Schneider, Timothy J. Shannon, Amity Shlaes, Julie Silverbrook, Brooks D. Simpson, Ma
Source: OpenStax
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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is produced through a collaborative publishing agreement between OpenStax and the Bill of Rights Institute. The course is designed to align with the curriculum guidelines for AP U.S. History from the College Board. The full list of authors and reviewers, with their affiliations, can be found in the Preface to the resource.This content is available for students when instructors set up a course in OpenStax Tutor. Visit www.openstax.org/openstax-tutor to learn more.