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Principles of Political Economy - Third Edition

Author: Daniel E. Saros
Subject: Economics
Source: Open Textbook Library
Publisher: Valparaiso University
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Image


This textbook is unique among economics textbooks. It contains many of the same topics as mainstream textbooks/ but it includes and takes very seriously heterodox critiques and alternatives to the mainstream approach to economics. It includes a whole range of alternative theories/ including Post-Keynesian/ Austrian/ Marxian/ radical/ feminist/ institutionalist/ and other approaches. The purpose is to teach students about alternative schools of economic thought but also to deepen their understanding of the dominant/ neoclassical approach to economics. In this sense/ it draws a great deal of inspiration from Richard Wolff and Stephen Resnick’s Contending Economic Theories. Following Wolff and Resnick/ an even broader objective is to teach students that economics is a discourse and that no single voice can rightfully claim to have a monopoly on the truth about economics.

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