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Beyond Dichotomy: Synergizing Writing Center and Classroom Pedagogies

Author: Steven J. Corbett
Subject: Education
Source: Open Textbook Library
Publisher: WAC Clearinghouse
ISBN: 9781602356320
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Image


How closely can or should writing centers and writing classrooms collaborate? Beyond Dichotomy explores how research on peer tutoring one-to-one and in small groups can inform our work with students in writing centers and other tutoring programs/ as well as in writing courses and classrooms. These multi-method (including rhetorical and discourse analyses and ethnographic and case-study) investigations center on several course-based tutoring (CBT) partnerships at two universities. Rather than practice separately in the center or in the classroom/ rather than seeing teacher here and tutor there and student over there/ CBT asks all participants in the dynamic drama of teaching and learning to consider the many possible means of connecting synergistically. This book offers the "more-is-more" value of designing more peer-to-peer learning situations for developmental and multicultural writers/ and a more elaborate view of what happens in these peer-centered learning environments. It offers important implications—especially of directive and nondirective tutoring strategies and methods—for peer-to-peer learning and one-to-one tutoring and conferencing for all teachers and learners of writing.

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