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Au Boulot! First-Year French

Author: David A. Dinneen, Hope Christiansen, Madeleine Kernen, Herve Pensec
Subject: Languages
Source: Open Textbook Library
Publisher: KU ScholarWorks
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Image


Au boulot! is a two-year college French program consisting of: a textbook/ workbook and 21 accompanying audio exercises; as well as a reference grammar/ to be used the entire two years. We also insist that our students obtain a full-sized dictionary/ and we recommend the HARPER-COLLINS-ROBERT bilingual New Standard Edition. (Instructors will note in reviewing the materials that we provide vocabulary lists at the ends of chapters/ with translations/ but no glossary. We have become convinced after years of experience that glossaries are counter-productive. It is vital that students learn to use dictionaries/ and the sooner the better.)

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