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Introduction to Financial Mathematics Concepts and Computational Methods

Author: Arash Fahim
Subject: Mathematics
Source: Open Textbook Library
Publisher: Florida State University
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Image


Introduction to Financial Mathematics: Concepts and Computational Methods serves as a primer in financial mathematics with a focus on conceptual understanding of models and problem solving. It includes the mathematical background needed for risk management/ such as probability theory/ optimization/ and the like. The goal of the book is to expose the reader to a wide range of basic problems/ some of which emphasize analytic ability/ some requiring programming techniques and others focusing on statistical data analysis. In addition/ it covers some areas which are outside the scope of mainstream financial mathematics textbooks. For example/ it presents marginal account setting by the CCP and systemic risk/ and a brief overview of the model risk. Inline exercises and examples are included to help students prepare for exams on this book.

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