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Climate Toolkit: A Resource Manual for Science and Action

Author: Frank Granshaw
Subject: Earth Sciences
Source: Open Textbook Library
Publisher: Portland State University Library
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial Image


The Climate Toolkit is a resource manual designed to help the reader navigate the complex and perplexing issue of climate change by providing tools and strategies to explore the underlying science. As such it contains a collection of activities that make use of readily available on-line resources developed by research groups and public agencies. These include web-based climate models/ climate data archives/ interactive atlases/ policy papers/ and “solution” catalogs. Unlike a standard textbook/ it is designed to help readers do their own climate research and devise their own perspective rather than providing them with a script to assimilate and repeat. The activities in the manual are divided into five sections that include weather and climate basics/ present climate impacts/ past climate change/ future change and impacts/ and strategies for climate mitigation and adaptation. These are followed by three appendices which contain information about the on-line tools used in the activities in this manual; a catalog of on-line and print resources produced by research groups/ government agencies/ and community groups involved in climate and sustainability work; and background on the history and key players in the international climate negotiation process. Though originally aimed at undergraduate non-science majors/ the manual has been broadened for a wider audience in non-academic settings like community groups/ service organizations/ workplace study groups/ and faith communities.

Items related to the subject Earth Sciences